
3 Signs You Are a Victim of Emotional Manipulation

When it comes to relationships, emotional manipulation is a tricky, under-the-radar kind of mistreatment that can leave you feeling confused and drained. While both men and women can be manipulative, emotional manipulation doesn't discriminate; it can happen to anyone, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.  So, how do you know if you're being manipulated? Here are three major signs to watch out for.  1. Guilt Trips Are a Regular Feature Ah, the guilt trip—a classic go-to for emotional manipulators. Ever had someone make you feel like you've committed a cardinal sin for choosing a restaurant they didn't like? Guilt trips often start small but can grow into a giant web of emotional turmoil.  Example: > “I mean, sure, I guess dinner was OK. It wasn't what I was hoping for, but I guess as long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters.” Notice how the manipulator subtly flips the situation to make it about them, insinuating that you've failed in some way? Th

Surviving Valentines: Advice For People Who Hate It

Guess what? Valentine's Day is right around the corner!  So, I have a question for you... are you feeling a bit Valentine's-phobic? If you're single, do you ever cringe at the thought of walking into your favorite places only to find them decked out with heart-shaped decorations and couples indulging in PDA?  Are you maybe gritting your teeth at the idea of every hotel room being booked because it seems like everyone is planning a romantic getaway?   If you're in a relationship, are you dreading the guilt that sneaks in because you really don't feel like joining in on the Valentine's Day festivities like everyone else?  Perhaps you're worried that your gift won't hit the mark (if you've even prepared one in the first place)? If you answered yes to any of these questions, welcome to the Valentine's-phobic club!   Now, I didn't write this post to convince you that Valentine's is the ultimate test of romance or to change your feelings abou

Spoken Word: I Am Seen and Heard

We see the phrase "you are seen, you are heard, you matter" everywhere in social media now. But do we really know how it feels? I do.  For so long, I've been a ghost. A flicker in the background, a fleeting image in the periphery of people's lives.  Nobody really looked, did they?  They saw a facade, a veneer of who I wanted to be, who they wanted me to be.  Smile, nod, laugh at the right moments—play the part, and then vanish.  I perfected the art of being pleasantly forgettable.  But he... oh, he sees me.  When I'm with him,  I can't just blend into the wallpaper. My camouflage fails.  He strips me of my invisibility with a mere glance, a simple question:  "How are you really doing?"  He'll ask, and I'll falter. Because he's not asking to fill the silence. He's asking because he genuinely wants to know. It's unsettling but liberating.  When I think something, he notices; he reacts.  He catches that fleeting shadow across my face

A Situationship is Like an Oarless Boat

So, you're in a situationship. You text all day, share memes, spend time together, but when it comes to defining things? Well, that's where it gets blurry. It's like being on a boat drifting in a lake, no oars, just floating wherever the wind decides to take you. And honestly? That’s a place many of us have been before.        What Makes It So Confusing? The tricky part about a situationship is the lack of clear boundaries. You’re more than friends but not quite in a committed relationship. There are unspoken rules, which can make things awkward and uncertain. You may catch yourself wondering, "Can I be upset if they don't text me back?" or "Is it wrong to feel hurt seeing them spend time with someone else?" In these moments, it’s easy to feel confused about what you can or should expect. Without a defined label, you're stuck in this in-between space where emotions get tangled and boundaries remain unclear.        Are There Any Ground Rules? One

3 Signs You're a Bad Kisser

Kissing is an art, and like any art form, it requires practice and finesse. Sometimes, despite your best intentions, you might not be hitting the right notes when it comes to smooching. If you're worried that your kissing skills might need a little improvement, here are three signs that you might be a less-than-stellar kisser. 1. Your Partner's Lack of Enthusiasm: Read the Signals    One of the most telling signs that your kissing technique might need some work is your partner's enthusiasm, or lack thereof. Pay attention to their body language and verbal cues. If they seem distant, disengaged, or avoidant when it comes to kissing, it's a clear sign that something might be amiss.    Instead of brushing off their behavior, communicate openly and honestly. Ask your partner for feedback about what they enjoy and what they might want you to do differently. Remember that kissing is a two-way street, and it's essential to be attuned to your partner's desires and comfor

Secrets of a Gemini Guy

The Fascinating Paradox of the Gemini Guy  The Magician of Multitasking  I remember the first time I saw My Gemini Guy in action. He was juggling a phone call with a client, scrolling through a presentation on his laptop, and somehow also managing to make himself a sandwich—all without breaking a sweat. It was mesmerizing and a tad overwhelming.  To many, multitasking can be a chaotic affair, but not for My Gemini Guy. His mind worked like a well-oiled machine, capable of toggling between tasks with a sense of ease I could never quite understand.  Here's the kicker:  Despite his knack for handling multiple things at once, My Gemini Guy was never one to settle for mediocrity. The guy was a born dreamer. Always striving for a higher position or a loftier goal, contentment seemed to elude him.  His ambition didn't stop at climbing the corporate ladder, either. It spilled over into his personal relationships, always pushing those around him towards self-improvement. "If you

3 Signs Your Relationship is Over Before It Even Starts

Love is an elusive beast, hard to catch but even harder to keep. In a world where everything moves at the speed of a tweet, the notion of a lasting relationship may seem like a relic of a bygone era. Yet, some relationships seem doomed from the get-go, crumbling under the weight of inattention, indifference, and sometimes, an unfortunate surplus of pride. While it's tempting to blame fate or circumstance, there are often clear indicators that a relationship is on the rocks before it even takes its first breath. Let's examine three tell-tale signs your relationship was over before it really began. 1. Monologue Over Dialogue: The Solo Planner Ah, planning—the bedrock of any functional relationship. It's not just about choosing the right Netflix series or deciding who gets the last slice of pizza. It's about joint decisions that symbolize a shared journey. If you find yourself making plans for the weekend, picking out restaurants, or even planning trips without considering